New Computer Speakers: A Love Song
It’s when my new computer speakers
with the word “Logitech” on them
make me all misty and wistful
that I know things have gone too far.
I mean seriously, who gets all nostalgic
over a pair of speakers? Even if the last pair
played the sound of the rain while we
were pressed up against one another
on a hot Brooklyn–
Oh god, there I go again. Ridiculous.
Except it’s not at all ridiculous,
because if you don’t have a person
who makes your pulse increase
for no other reason than that she
comes out of the bathroom and
climbs into bed and doesn’t mind
that you snore … well then, my friend,
you just aren’t living.
So I’m going to crank up Graceland
or Songs From The Big Chair or Cafe Bleu
or maybe even something from
the decade in which I’m living.
And even if it hurts a bit,
I’m going to sit back
and think about her for a while.
24 November 2012
Auburn AL
Reassuring to know I’m not the only one who gets a lump in his throat from a good sub-woofer unit! 🙂