The wonderful musician Jill Knapp posted this on her LiveJournal blog and I really dug the idea. This is day two. A link to the previous entry is at the bottom of this post.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself
1. I’m much more comfortable in front of 1,000 people than in a small room with three.
2. Winter and I are not friends. In fact, I hate winter with a desperate passion bordering on mania.
3. I do not have a waiting period between deciding you’re nice and deciding we’re friends. Some folks find this disconcerting.
4. Speaking of friends, I rely on mine to keep me sane. Probably much more than they’d like.
5. I make good guacamole.
6. As much as I like to think I have a nuanced view of the world, the truth is that I see many things in stark, good/evil terms.
7. I love making people laugh. Really a lot.
8. I write poetry because under my mean, callous, heartless exterior, I really want to be loved. (Points for anyone who names the reference.)
9. The main thing that drives my actions is that I love people. Not in a customer-service-job way. It’s more like a deep passion for human beings and a desire to make my little corner of the world a nicer one.
Day One: Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten Different People Right Now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four things you want in a romantic partner
Day Eight: Three of your favorite possessions
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life or yourself right now
Day Ten: One confession