Josh Rutner and Red Wierenga of The Respect Sextet started a list of vegetable-based jazz musician names on Facebook. I joined in, followed by Scott Diamond and Greg Chudzik. Here’s what we’ve got so far. Add yours in the comments.
- Art Pepper.
- Chicory-a
- Gourd changes.
- Gourd Dudek
- Kale Tjader.
- Beet Kaestli
- Rabe McConnell
- Kenny Garlic
- Romaine Bearden
- Stanley Turniptine
- Asparaguus Janssen
- (or) Kenny Goreleek
- Soy Eldridge
- Shallot Manne
- Pea Wee Ellis
- Or Pea Wee Russell
- Sonny Persimmons
- Daikon Sorey
- If grains were allowed I’d say Glenn Millet
- Baby Ramps.
- Leek Onitz
- Rhubarbara Carroll
- Cyrus “Water” Chestnut
- Celery Eskelin.
- Also outside the scope, but Weetabix Beiderbecke
- Chickpea Hamilton
- Chickpea Webb
- Mark Turnip
- J.S. Bok Choy.
- Aubergine Ammons
- Caper-Moore.
- ‘Choke Henderson
- Derek Bay Leaf.
- Terry Collard
- Nat King Kohlrabi
- Beany Carter
- Okra Disk
- Charlie Parsnip
- George Garbanzone
- Dinah Squashington
- Scott Cauliflower
- Squash Redman
- Bruno Tomato
- Squashblossom Dearie
- Zuke Ellington
- Cuke Ellington
- David “Fiddlehead” Newman
- Bill Gherkins
- John Corn
- Oscar Peaterson
- Tomato Barbieri (let’s call the whole thing off?)
- Harry “Beets” Edison
- Blind Lemon Jefferson. (Did I do it right?)
- Bill Carrothers
- Grant Greens
- ^ + Benny + Urbie
- George Brussels
- Gigi Gryceberg
- Justin DiArtichoko
- Escarole Morton
- Art Potatum
- Mustardo Hammer
- (^I’d’ve gone with Mustardo Coleman myself…)
- Broccoli Pizzarelli
- Malanga Waldron
- Chardly Parker
- Bill Frisee
- Cab Caraway
- (are we counting seeds and spices?) (yes)
- Dill Evans
- Count Basil
- Thymey Grimes
- Ornettle Coleman
- John Kale
- Corn Fuhler
- Quinoa Washington
- I’d go, “Dinah Quinoashington”
- Art Bellpepper
- Keith Carrot
- Ralph Jalapena
- Louis Piman (pronounced “pee-mahn” – Japanese for green pepper)
- Chardnet Moffit
- Kenny Topinamburrell
- How about Henry Limas?
- George Marrow
- Misha Fennelberg
- Cab Calabash (this appears to be a veggie, not, as I thought, a fruit)
- Roots Thielemans
- Edcelery Gomez
- Jimmy Carrotson
- Chive Davis
- Jimmy Cayennes
- Freddie Hubbard Squash
- Coleman Pumpkins
- Artichoke Tatum
- Frank Cress
- Neils Henning-Okrah Pederson
- Sammy Nesticorn
- Mint Hinton
- Charles Mungus
- Milt Pinto-n?
- Coriander Weeds
- Bradish Mehldau
- ^I love his album, Celeriac Cycle
- Ted Poorsradish
- Houston Parsnip
- Kurt Rosendivekel [Edit: Kurrat Rosendivekel]
- ^ This was the one I was searching for.
- You know his album, “Artichoke Heartcore”?
- Celery Sticks Hooper
- Billy Straycorn
- Earl “Fava” Hines [Ed. Note: the lone but amazing submission of James Hirschfeld]
- ^ Woah. Strong first entry.
- Kidney Ory
- Soy Oliver
Sun Okra
Just read this through again and had quite a few chuckles!
A friend here in Auburn brought up this post so I read it again the other day. Some good ‘uns.