hummingbird (midair)
stops to look at me, hovers
flies over the wall
Category: Birds
window bird
in the morning,
bold action!
in the afternoon,
quiet contemplation
in the nighttime,
deepest sadness
a sparrow sings knowingly
outside my window
/ / /
Jason Crane
17 October 2019
State College PA
nuthatch drops three seeds
finds the fourth acceptable
returns to the trees
State College PA
four big crows gather,
majestic in their darkness;
poop, then fly away
State College PA
unified field theory
to watch a hummingbird
poke its long snout
into a fake flower
in search of sugar water
is to understand the universe
Jason Crane
28 July 2018
Canandaigua NY
chipping sparrow hops
from one feeder to the next
late April rainfall
State College PA
morning bird’s sharp chirp
pierces the predawn darkness
spring cannot be rushed
2.27.18 (5:30 a.m.)
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