ice on the driveway
inside, spicy noodles
and the warmth of conversation
Category: My poems
the heater’s fan clicks off
the room is a field of silence
I am imagining Mt. Fuji
I am becoming a mountain
This haiku is largely an inside joke. Sorry about that.
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warm miso soup
cold soba & the taste of avocado
way better than Chipotle (TM)
is that weird?
there is precisely one-tenth of one percent less gravity
under my feet in your proximity
the sun slants through my window differently
when you’re here
I can juggle four tennis balls if you’re watching
none if you’re not
my dog falls asleep standing up — and smiling —
when you pet him
I can get two radio stations from Malaysia on my toaster oven
when you’re in my kitchen
all my refrigerator magnets gather together and form a heart
when you put the tofu back in my fridge
I have been known to speak dead languages
just to hear you laugh
come to think of it, it IS sorta weird
Leave a Commentuniversal love poem #7b
I (verb) you more than
an (adjective) (noun)
when you’re (proximity)
my (noun) (adverbly) (verbs)
before you (verbed)
I used to think (hypothesis)
now I realize the truth:
biting breeze
blows the curtains in and out
I breathe
sharp winter sun
the snow is alive
with squirrels
There are many difficulties associated with meditation. Also, I guess this technically is a senryu rather than a haiku, the difference being that haiku have an element of nature and senryu are usually about human nature.
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count the breaths … four
think of kissing you
icy rain
soaring Decemberists:
I’m moving on
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fills the broken tub
in my head
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morning erotica
an affection for the pleasures of the flesh
not the receiving, which has its own charms
but the giving: a gentle caress, a tentative kiss
the soft flick of the tongue on sensitive skin
the winter sun comes through my bedroom window
I awaken slowly, savor the lingering taste of you
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salty dream
awaken to the chime
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ribonucleic acid:
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This haiku is a commentary on a haiku by George Swede, anthologized in Cor Van Den Heuvel’s The Haiku Anthology. First, Swede’s haiku:
Summer night:
in my eyes starlight
hundreds of years old
million-year light:
cast toward snow-bound streets
before man’s dawn
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February storm
potato and red onion
in miso soup
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bath in winter
water drains from the tub
my legs are heavy
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Kinkaku-ji glows golden on my computer screen
illuminates a Japan-shaped hole in my heart
a class full of boys who’d never talked to girls
all but one fell in love with our tour guide