This was a great week for sports.
Proving that activists can just hang out, a group of us headed to Frontier Field to watch the Redwings (AAA farm club of the Minnesota Twins) beat the Richmond Braves for the third straight night. It was a blast, and it reminded me again why there’s something special about minor league baseball.
Last night it was the Rhinos’ turn. I’ve had season tickets to the Rhinos, our USL First Division soccer team, for the past four years. Last year, my dad and sister joined in. Soccer is my sport, and it’s nice to see the Rhinos remembering that you’re more likely to win if you score goals.
As teams go, the Rhinos are my #3. Coming in at #2 are the MetroStars, the New York-New Jersey team in Major League Soccer. The only reason they’re #2 is because my team of teams, my crew of crews, is the U.S. Men’s National Soccer Team. Tonight they trounced Costa Rica 3-0 on the road to the 2006 World Cup. Jen and my dad and sister and I have spent many early, early mornings at bars and restaurants watching World Cup games beamed back from Asia. I’ve also been to at least one game in each of the past four rounds of qualifying, and my sister and I are going to Connecticut later this summer to watch the U.S. play Trinidad & Tobago. I love the outlet these games give for heartfelt expressions of patriotism unencumbered by jingoism. At least, they’re unencumbered where I’m concerned. That’s not a universal truism.
It’s almost vintage base ball season, too. Bernie and I went to Genesee Country Village today, and we happened to come across the Live Oak practicing. Sure does get the blood racing. I hope to see you there on June 26 for opening day!
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