I’m Even In Love With Your Dog
River runs to grab a tennis ball —
he yanks it out of the air on one hop
like a 19th-century ballplayer.
And then, because he’s yours,
he drops it beside a second ball
and goes back and forth between then.
Eventually he chooses, carries the winner over,
waits, tensed, for it to be thrown again.
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18 June 2024
Charlottesville VA
Jason Crane Posts
Science Fact
It was probably a bullfrog.
It was most likely a heron.
It was definitely a bat.
It might have been a peacock.
One thing I’m sure of,
one thing I know to be true,
is that in this whole wide world
the person for me is you.
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11 June 2024
Charlottesville VA
I stopped writing poems
because there is no way
to order these lines
to make you care
when the photos
and the videos
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6 June 2024
Charlottesville VA
back to a solitary toothbrush
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27 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
If You’d Let Me, I’d Fall Into You Forever
Into the taste of you, the scent of you,
Into the sound of your laughter,
into the deep-field galaxies in your eyes.
I would travel through the universe of you,
exploring the worlds inside you,
your thoughts that light the skies.
If you’d let me, I’d love you with everything I have,
with the parts of me I haven’t yet discovered,
with all my will and wonder.
I would sing you every song,
write you every line,
awaken to the desire and joy of you.
You are who I hoped I’d find,
after I finally found myself,
the dream at the end of my rainbow heart.
And if you’d let me,
really let me,
I’d fall into you forever.
Very Early
A mourning dove coos, well, mournfully, through Bill Evans’ solo on “Very Early.” A Danish musician had these tapes for years before finally deciding others might like to hear them. What other treasures are hidden in attics and under beds? What magic waits behind downcast eyes? A neighbor drags his garbage to the street, then walks back to his house to do – what? Now it’s a bass solo with catbird accompaniment. The chai in my mug has gone cold.
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15 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
Lost And Found
You left your water bottle.
You left your scent on the sheets.
You left a space on the couch where you belong.
You left me reeling.
You left me wanting more.
You left the taste of salt and honey.
You left paintbrushes and a toothbrush.
You left an Eagles CD as a joke.
And in the end — you left.
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14 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
the dawn chorus:
leafblower, band saw
hammering, jay
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11 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
northern flicker
across the street
missed then pointed to
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10 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
The Space Between Stations
the sound of the rain swells
though the open bedroom window
as if every house on the block
was tuned not to the ballgame
or the fight but to static
the space between stations
deep in the center of me
the rain makes me long for you
the touch of your strongsoft hands
the reassurance of your breathing
as the rain settles to a murmur
I say your name, turn out the light
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9 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
for you
jay’s cry
cuts through
box fan
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9 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
open blinds / no visitors
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8 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
leaning forward
to catch a glimpse —
jay stares back
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6 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
Indra’s Net
I am reflected in you.
You are reflected in me.
We are reflected in them.
They are reflected in us.
Through you I become infinite.
Through me you become boundless.
Through them we touch everyone.
Through us they touch everywhere.
They are reflected in us.
We are reflected in them.
You are reflected in me.
I am reflected in you.
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5 May 2024
Charlottesville VA
For SU4P