
1. Why am I not making myself a priority in my life? (The Tower) This ties in with something I was thinking about yesterday, which is that I am too focused on the end of this phase of my life and the beginning of the next one, and not focused enough on the person who is actually going through the ending and the beginning.
2. Why do certain situations and/or people supersede my self-care? (Page of Swords) I have a tendency to look outside myself for solutions. To new people, new situations, new jobs. It’s not that those things and people can’t be valuable parts of my life, but I still need to do the major internal work of looking after myself and creating healthier habits.
3. What is truly at the heart of me neglecting my needs? (The Devil) I have conflicting attachments: a real desire not to take part in the rat race, and a need to be safer and more comfortable than I am. It’s hard to know how to serve both masters.
4. How can I create the spaciousness that I need to just be? (Death) Rather than the various interpretations traditionally suggested by this card, I think it’s equally useful to instead take it as a reminder that time is both limited and of unknown duration. If not now, when? This does sometimes lead to me being open in a way that can be painful, but that’s better than the alternative. I think.
5. Are there any boundaries that need to be reexamined or asserted? (Page of Pentacles) I would like to make my next life decision with the knowledge of my own worth, not as an act of desperation.
6. Once I hold space for myself to breathe, what will root? (Ten of Wands) I feel that I’m close to some healthier way of being. But there is definitely hard work to be done to get there.
7. How can I continue to nourish myself, so I don’t fall into unhealthy patterns and habits, and which I am not a priority? (Wheel of Fortune) It would be helpful to put myself in a place of safety, where my basic needs are met. From there, other things can grow and thrive.