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POEM: Vigil


We stand on the street corner
because we can’t turn our
bodies into shields.

We stand on the street corner
to force other people to look.

We stand on the street corner
clutching our paper signs
and our cardboard signs,

looking into the eyes
of the passing drivers,
hoping for recognition.

We stand on the street corner
with our fathers and our daughters,
with friends and strangers.

We stand on the street corner
for those whose streets run red
with blood and fire.

We stand on the street corner,
praying to awaken
from our collective nightmare,

to discover it was all a dream,
that we are safe in the arms of loved ones,
that all we hear are birds

and the laughter of children.

/ / /

7 November 2023
Charlottesville VA

Published in My poems Palestine Poetry Politics & Activism


  1. Ali Ali

    Jason, thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. And thank you for your daily vigils. Thank you for forcing people to confront the reality of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We see you, and we are very grateful.

    • Jason Crane Jason Crane

      This means the world to me. Thank you, Ali.

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